Linux is a large family of core-based operating systems that have been very popular with Internet users and supercomputers for almost 20 years. The most important advantages of this operating system are unlimited customization, free download, and compatibility with dozens of different processor architectures. However, in this article, we will not talk about the benefits of Linux. Our main character is the creator of this system.
Founder of the first Linux system
The creator of Linux is Linus Torvalds , born in 1969. Both of his parents were journalists, but their son gave preference to the exact sciences of physics and mathematics during school. The future creator of Linux entered the University of Helsinki in 1988. He graduated with a master’s degree in cybernetics after eight years. But the history of the Linux operating system began even earlier. This was in 1981, when Linus’ grandfather first introduced him to the Commodore VIC-20 computer, which was the basis for complex mathematical computing. This encouraged Linus and his interest in programming.
The future creator of Linux bought his own computer, the Sinclair QL, which at the time was worth 2,000 USD. Thorwald was inspired by the book «Operating systems: development and implementation», which Andrew Tanenbaum wrote (creator of OS Minix). Linus was disappointed with some of the shortcomings of his software. This gave Linus the start of creating his own terminal emulator. In this way, a simple function has passed into a huge range of software possibilities and options that became like a real operating system.

Linux operating system history
The first version of Linux was published by this man on September 17, 1991. The release was well received by the public, and in a matter of months, thousands of programmers learned who created the Linux operating system. People appreciated the benefits of this and built their own modernizations.
Today, hundreds of different distributions exist that are designed for specific tasks. There are versions for installing on servers, workstations, supercomputers, mobile devices, and even game consoles. Brazil, China, and India are countries, which “love” Linux more than other ones. Linus Thorwald, however, uses the Fedora distribution.